Message from the President

Fostering world-class Japanese venture company

Norman Denda21st century. The network society has been fully in progress.

Personalization is another characteristic of changing lifestyle. From large organization to small organization, or from organization to individual, people’s working unit has been downsizing. In the near future, ubiquitous open network will evolve, unite such small units or individuals, and eventually help them work together.

Denda Associates focuses four area "Wireless (Mobile)", "Security", "Contents", and "Eco Power". We offer high-quality consulting services and unique business models to develop and sell innovative technologies, new products and services to improve our society.

We also also functions as an incubator, investing and grow technology venture companies which have the great potential of global business, to contribute to the revitalization of the entire economy.

When the economy is sluggish, venture business incubation is a key issue to give a boost to the economy. However, from an economic and social standpoint, we see three problems which hamper venture business incubation. it is venture business In the current economic stagnation lead to the further development of the economy

  • Most of venture capital does not invest to research and development venture
  • Most of large company have no interest to foster venture business
  • Poor scheme of education to produce venture business CEO

It is necessary to devote a substantial amount of time, at least 10 years, to incubate research and development type venture business. It is a long-term business investment. Unfortunately, in Japan, it is a trend to demand the immediate return.

Based on 30 years valuable experience in Intel, my mission is to foster venture business, invest to research and development type venture and produce next generation venture CEO, which lead the Japanese economy revitalization. Denda Associates will continue to contribute significantly to Japanese future.

Norman N. Denda
President and Chief Executive Officer
Denda Associates Co., Ltd

Management Vision

  • Through maximum utilization of the wisdom and vitality, Denda Associates supports Japanese venture company to active internationally.
  • Challenge to new things in risk-taking attitude, on a fair and equitable basis, preserving discipline.

Management Policy

  • Discover world-class venture to foster and invest to.
  • Produce environmentally friendly business.
  • Produce world-class talent through education programs.

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